RISE Program

Calendar of Activities

Summer-UG and G Intensive Activities: 2 year program

9 to 5PM

Monday through Thursday

Wks 1&2, 1st summer

Laboratory skills workshops to learn fundamental molecular and cell biology research techniques

Wks 3-10, 1st summer

Independent Research Project at CPP with a Faculty Research Mentor

Wks 1-8 or 10, 2nd summer

RO1 summer research program


Friday: (9 to noon):

Wk1:Biohazards & Chemical Safety Workshop

Wk2:Animal Care Workshop

Wk3-Time Management Workshop

Wks 4,5: Scientific Ethics Workshops

Wks 6,7: Poster and Oral Presentation Workshops

Friday: (1 to 3PM):

Wks 1, 4, 7: Guest Speaker Seminars and Discussion

Wks 2,5: RO1 UR Campus Coordinators visits

Wks 6, 8: Journal club

Wks 3, 9: Grant Writing Workshops

Wk 10: Summer Student Research Symposium Presentation (Friday: 9AM to 3PM)

Academic Year-UG and G Intensive Activities: 2 year program

Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters

Independent Research Project

Monday through Friday, 16h/Wk

Weekly mentoring by Faculty Research Mentor & monthly peer mentoring meetings

2 years of guided research experiences by Faculty Research Mentor

Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters

Friday (noon to 2PM):

Wks 2,6, 9- Guest Speaker Seminars and Discussion

Wks 1, 5, 8-Journal Club

Wks 3, 4, 7-Grant Writing Workshops

 Research presentations at local, state, national conferences



Fall Quarter

PhD Application Workshops

Wks 1-8, Wednesday, 5 to 7PM

Time Management Workshops

Wks 9, 10,Wednesday, 5 to 7PM

Winter Quarter

Manuscript Writing Workshops

Wks 1-8, Wednesday, 5 to 7PM

Brown Bag dinners with CPP research faculty (FRMs)

Wks 9, 10, Wednesday, 5 to 7PM

Spring Quarter

GRE Preparation Workshops

Wks 1-8, Wednesday, 5 to 7PM

Student/Family Workshops

Wks 9, 10, Wednesday, 5 to 7PM