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Dr. Neil Chaturvedi explores the effect of early voting in new journal manuscript

Congratulations to Dr. Neil Chaturvedi and his co-author Peter Miller who recently had their work published in Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. JEPOP aims to publish research of the highest quality on elections, public opinion, participation and political parties.

Dr. Chaturvedi and Miller explore how minority voters respond to candidates in early elections:

Minority voters are more likely to vote in the presence of a co-ethnic candidate.We argue that co-ethnicity should be significantly related to the decision to casta ballot prior to Election Day. We use national survey data and voter registrationfiles from Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina to test this extension of the co-ethnic mobilization literature. Our findings support the co-ethnic mobilizationthesis by demonstrating that black voters were significantly more likely tovote in 2008 and 2012 than in previous elections. This effect, however, issmaller than the significant change toward voting prior to Election Day.

Check out the article here. Congratulations once again to Dr. Chaturvedi!

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