Student Health and Wellness Services

Unintended Pregnancy

About ½ of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended, and happen for a variety of reasons. If you or someone you know is pregnant, there are options to think about going forward. More options are available earlier in the pregnancy, so considering the options as soon as the pregnancy is discovered leads to more choice. While the choice is being made, it is important to establish healthy habits, like taking prenatal vitamins, eating fruits and vegetables, and getting rest. Also, avoid alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and other drugs.

Some people choose to end the pregnancy. This can be done through taking a medication or during an in-office procedure, both of which are very safe. Both options require a visit to a medical provider. Student Health does not provide abortion services at this time, but will help students access care through their insurance or another agency. To make an appointment call (909)869-4000.

Some questions to ask yourself:

How do I feel about abortion?

How do I feel about being pregnant?

Do I feel pressured by anyone to make a decision I’m not ready to make?

Will I feel right about my decision after the abortion?

If I have a partner, how does my partner feel?

Do I have someone to talk to about my decision?

Here are some outside organizations that provide resources and more information:

Planned Parenthood-

Family Planning Associates-


There are currently many different types of adoption available, and many agencies that can help facilitate an adoption. Health Educators at the Bronco Wellness Center can help get the search process started. To make an appointment call (909) 869-5272.

Some questions to ask yourself:

Am I prepared for nine months of pregnancy and the emotional and physical changes it will bring?

Do I want someone else to raise the baby?

How will I feel if I can’t see the baby?

If I have a partner, how does my partner feel about adoption?

Am I ready to think about the adoption steps?

Am I being pressured by anyone to consider adoption?

Do I have people to support me throughout my pregnancy?


Here are some outside organizations that provide resources and more information:

Planned Parenthood-

Family Planning Associates-


Becoming a parent is another option for an unintended pregnancy. Student Health does not provide prenatal care but can help find resources for pregnancy. To make an appointment call (909) 869-4000.

Some questions to ask yourself:

Am I ready to be a parent for life?

Do I have a partner who will share parenting responsibilities with me? If not, am I prepared to be a single parent?

Am I ready to provide a child with unlimited love and attention?

Do I have people who can support me and my decision to raise a child?

Am I prepared to put my child’s emotional, physical, and financial needs ahead of my own?

Am I being pressured by anyone to be a parent?

Here are some outside organizations that provide resources and more information:

Planned Parenthood-

Family Planning Associates-
