Office of the President

Drug-Free Workplace

To: Faculty, Staff, Auxiliary Staff and Students

From: Soraya M. Coley, President

Re: Drug-Free Workplace

August 2, 2021

Cal Poly Pomona recognizes its responsibility to help provide a safe and productive educational and work environment. The following summary complies with the Drug-Free Workplace, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Acts, and CSU Executive Order 930: CSU Drug-Free Workplace Policy. The University strongly endorses the Drug-Free legislation and wishes to inform all students and employees of:

  • the health risks associated with alcohol and drug abuse,
  • the standards of conduct required of University students and employees,
  • the disciplinary action that results when the policy is violated, and
  • the help available when treatment is needed.

The following information summarizes the University’s commitment to, and compliance with, Drug-Free legislation. The entire policy can be found on the University Policies Website.

Cal Poly Pomona strictly prohibits the unlawful possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or sale of illicit drugs or drug-related paraphernalia, tobacco or alcohol, and the misuse of legal pharmaceutical drugs or alcohol by any faculty, staff, recognized auxiliary employee, student, registered student club or organization, campus entity, visitor or visiting organization, in the workplace, on University premises, at University activities, or on University business, on campus or off.

Proposition 64 Does Not Alter University Policy

The passage of Proposition 64 by California voters does not alter the Drug-Free Workplace Policy. Marijuana remains a controlled substance under federal law and Cal Poly Pomona receives federal funding that would be in jeopardy if those federal laws did not take precedence in our policies. Thus, the possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or sale of marijuana on campus, or off campus while on University business or participating in University activities violates this policy. 

The responsible use of alcohol must be in compliance with all federal, state and local laws, as well as the provisions of this policy. 

There is significant medical evidence demonstrating the health risks associated with the abuse of alcohol, drugs and other controlled substances. University employees must perform in a safe and productive manner, and students must pursue educational activities unimpaired by alcohol or other drugs. Violations of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion from Cal Poly Pomona and/or will be referred to the appropriate authorities for legal prosecution.

Cal Poly Pomona recognizes that addiction is a treatable illness.

Students: Students are encouraged to seek assistance and participate in appropriate treatment programs. Confidential assistance for students is available through Student Health & Wellness Services at and Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) at

Employees: Faculty and staff have access to CPPLifeMatters, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP services, consisting of assessment, referral and short-term counseling are provided through Empathia, a private consulting firm, and are both free and confidential. For more information, visit:

Additional Drug-Free Awareness - Resources