Office of Admissions

Impacted Majors

Campus Impaction

Campus Impaction

“Campus impaction” means that a campus has reached its enrollment capacity for instructional resources and physical support and cannot accommodate all the eligible undergraduate applications it receives. 

In this case, the campus has established a local admission area for first-time freshmen. This means that, in general, applications received from students from outside the designated local area will be held to higher admission requirements than those received from students inside the local area.

Local Area Admission Preference

Freshmen applicants applying to an impacted major will receive "Local Preference" for admission consideration based on our local area designation.  In addition, as a part of our commitment to provide access to veterans, Cal Poly Pomona gives "Local Preference" to all veterans regardless of their institution.  

Supplemental Criteria

College Major or Subplan Supplemental Requirements
Engineering Aerospace Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

SAT Math 570

ACT Math 23

Letters, Arts, & Social Sciences Music (Industry Studies) Audition

 The following majors are impacted, but do not have supplemental requirements: Animal Health Science, Animal Science (General), Animal Science (Pre-Vet), Accounting, Architecture, Communication, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, General Kinesiology, Physics, Environmental Biology.