Office of Student Success, Equity and Innovation

GWT Waiver


The Graduation Writing Test requirement has been suspended through 2024-25.

Last Updated: 10/27/2023

Qualifications and Procedures

Students may qualify for the GWT Waiver in one of two ways:

OPTION 1: General Application

  1. The student must take the GWT at least two times.
  2. The student must complete six essays, including handwritten and final drafts, and receive tutoring on each in the Learning Resource Center's Writing Center (Library, Rm. 2919).
  3. This work must be completed within two terms prior to the consideration of the waiver petition by the GWT Waiver Committee, not including the term in which the petition is considered.
  4. After completion of this work, the student must take the GWT one additional time.
  5. If the student still does not earn a passing score on the GWT, the waiver package must be submitted to the Bronco Advising Center (Student Services Building, first floor, blue counter), before the next GWT waiver deadline.

OPTION 2: For students who took CPU 4010 but did not pass

  1. The student must take the GWT at least two times.
  2. The student should complete all work in CPU 4010, including five CPR essays, five revision worksheets, and five revisions, to be eligible for a waiver in this option.
  3. If a student has missing work, completed essay materials are still eligible to be used toward a waiver, along with any work that is made up with the assistance of a GWT consultant in the Learning Resource Center's Writing Center (Library, Rm. 2919).
  4. This work may be submitted by the next waiver deadline. Otherwise, the student may submit within two terms prior to the consideration of the waiver petition by the GWT Waiver Committee, not including the term in which the petition is considered.
  5. The waiver package must be submitted to the Bronco Advising Center (Student Services Building, first floor, blue counter), before the next GWT waiver deadline.

Any questions regarding the above qualifications and procedures may be addressed to the Office of Student Success (Student Services Building, third floor or 909-869-5478).

GWT Waiver Petition (PDF)