Cascade CMS
Cascade CMS is the university's free Content Management System (CMS) that will help you build and easily maintain your website.
If you have a site in Cascade and need to add or remove users, please submit an Campus Website Support Ticket.
We have monthly Cascade User Group meetings via Zoom every 2nd Thursday of the month. Please see the schedule below for the upcoming training dates. Refer to the Cascade User Group calendar for the Zoom meeting. Please submit a ticket if you are unable to locate the Zoom invite.
- July, 11,2024 .
- General Q/A Session
- August, 2024
- How to add table headings to fix accessibility errors
- September 2024
- How to create org chart and print
Date: 01/26/2024
The Cumulative Assessment for the Campus Digital Accessibility Course has been updated based on feedback. Specifically, clarity was added to the instructions regarding the need to add accessibility tools to your browser prior to starting the assessment. The instructions specifically mention WAVE and Accessible Color Picker. However, if you are familiar with other accessibility tools, you are not restricted from doing so. Additionally, feel free to utilize other Accessibility Testing Tools mentioned during the course as needed.
Additionally, the deadline to complete the assessment has been extended to Friday, 2/2 at 11:59 pm.
Note – The Campus Digital Accessibility Course is required for anyone with rights to publish/update campus websites. The course is located in Canvas.
• Publishers need to complete the Canvas Accessibility Course by 2/2/2024 to retain their publisher permissions.
• A score of 80% or better is needed. You have 3 attempts.
• Don’t hesitate to reach out to Laura Carrizales, Carol Gonzales, or Jinah Young if you want to refresh on a specific topic.
• Republish your campus webpage by 1/31/24. This will apply several accessibility and quality improvements made to the templates made by the IT&IP Web Team. Updates include: empty links, Added Slideshow screen reader text, and Added aria-label to slide show
Thank you for all your support for the quality and accessibility of our campus websites.
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Resources Links
Cascade Resources
- Please note that the SumTotal training is not available now, please refer to the following links for cascade self-training: