
Action Groups

On June 24, a group of over 50 Cal-Bridge scholars, faculty, and administrators met to follow up on our meetings of June 10 for the Strike for Black Lives. The group met for 2 hours and came up a large number of actions the Cal-Bridge community and program could take to combat anti-black and other forms of racism. Of those, the six below stood out for the level of enthusiasm and energy they evoked as well as for having the most people interested in working on them. Subsequently, we shared this list with the broader Cal-Bridge community and invited them to join one of these action groups. To date, over 40 people have signed up to join one or more of these action groups.

The Cal-Bridge community is committed to carrying out the actions listed here. We will be reporting periodically on our progress through pages on this website. As an organization, Cal-Bridge intends to make anti-racism a more central, core tenet of the program. We invite others in academia and society in general to join us.