Web Development

Cascade Style Sheet

Here's what the Cascade styles look like


Paragraph. This is what the Paragraph style looks like. Here is a link. Italics. Bold. Underline. Strikethrough.

Address. This is what the Address style looks like. Here is a link. Italics. Bold. Underline. Strikethrough.
Preformatted. This is what the Preformatted style looks like. Here is a link. Italics. Bold. Underline. Strikethrough.

Heading 1. This is what the Heading 1 style looks like. Here is a link. Italics. Bold. Underline. Strikethrough.

Heading 2. This is what the Heading 2 style looks like. Here is a link. Italics. Bold. Underline. Strikethrough.

Heading 3. This is what the Heading 3 style looks like. Here is a link. Italics. Bold. Underline. Strikethrough.

Heading 4. This is what the Heading 4 style looks like. Here is a link. Italics. Bold. Underline. Strikethrough.

Heading 5. This is what the Heading 5 style looks like. Here is a link. Italics. Bold. Underline. Strikethrough.
Heading 6. This is what the Heading 6 style looks like. Here is a link. Italics. Bold. Underline. Strikethrough.

A bulleted list in the paragraph style.

  • one
  • two
  • three!

A numbered list

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three!

Here are the preset colors in Cascade.

This is the default color.

This is the cpp_green_font color.

This is the cpp_orange_font color.

This is the cpp_brown_font color.

This is the cpp_purple_font color.

This is the cpp_dark_blue_font color.

This is the cpp_maroon_font color.

This is the cpp_red_font color.

This is the cpp_fall_green color.

This is the cpp_winter_blue color.

This is the cpp_spring_brown color.

This is the cpp_bold style.

This is the cpp_italic style.

This is the cpp_font_increase_one style.

This is the cpp_font_increase_two style.

Table style with the class="table-striped"

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5
Info here Data here Info Data Text area
Info here Data here Info Data Text area
Info here Data here Info Data Text area
Info here Data here Info Data Text area

Table with the class="table"

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5
Info here Data here Info Data Text area
row class="info" row class="info" row class="info" row class="info" row class="info"
Info here Data here Info Data Text area
Info here Data here Info Data Text area