
Lee Wins 2023 CATESOL Award and Journal Publication

November 8, 2023

Sue-Jin Lee, a 2023 graduate of the English TESOL master’s program, has been recognized by the California Association of TESOL as the winner of this year’s College/University Level English Language Research Award. (If you’d like, you can watch the awards ceremony and her award acceptance video.)

Lee’s research, which began in Dr. Olga Griswold’s sociolinguistics graduate seminar, focuses on how ChatGPT and Bard use English when answering academic and professional writing prompts. She explains that her intention with researching this topic “was to see if AI writing assistants… predominantly align with standard American English conventions, and if so, what does that mean for students who speak other varieties of English and use these tools?”

The paper, titled “Analyzing the Use of AI Writing Assistants in Generating Texts with Standard American English Conventions: A Case Study of ChatGPT and Bard,” will be published in The CATESOL Journal’s Winter/Spring 2024 special issue on Technology in TESOL.

In addition to writing award-winning research articles, Lee currently works for an educational technology and publishing company dedicated to providing K-12 classrooms with valuable instructional materials. Kudos, Sue-Jin Lee!

Headshot of Asian CPP alumna with short black hair and brown eyes, wearing a tan blouse against a light background
Sue-Jin Lee