Focus on Finals


Freebies Signage


  • Testing supplies like scantrons and blue books, as well as healthy snacks, vinyl stickers, and stress balls at Finals Stations across campus (see below for locations).
  • Additionally, the BSC will have freebies while supplies last Monday (12/9) - Thursday (12/12).
  • Free brain food snacks and givewaways from the Health Hut on the 2nd floor of the library near the circulation desk.
  • Two free food night events - Burrito Night and Pancake Night (click for more info).

Finals Stations Locations

Finals stations will be located across campus during Finals Week. Look for the large blue FREE banners and the Focus on Finals logo!

Student Services Building (SSB -121) Breezeway

Monday (12/9) - Thursday (12/12): 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Library Lobby (Bldg 15)

Monday (12/9) - Thursday (12/12): 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

BSC First Floor (Bldg 35)

Monday (12/9) - Thursday (12/12): 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Bronco Bookstore (Bldg 66)

Monday (12/9) - Thursday (12/12): 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Focus on Finals Logo