CSU-LSAMP Scholars 2010-2011

Moises Rivera, Civil Engineering
Moises is now a 4th year Civil Engineering student with an emphasis in Structural Engineering. As a CSU-LSAMP scholar, Moises is continuing work under the supervision of Dr. Monica Palomo with Enzymatic Polymerization of Phenolic Contaminants. He is also working with Dr. Perez studying Performance-Based Design for Seismic Hazard Mitigation Using Passive Damper, a joint research effort with Lehigh University and California State University, Northridge.

Noelia Gonzalez, Civil Engineering
Noelia is a 3rd year Civil Engineering student with an emphasis in Environmental Engineering. As a LSAMP student, Noelia conducted a Survey of Microfiltration Technologies in Southern California. She also completed a REU at Drexel University's Engineering Cities Program where she carried out research on the Design and Evaluation of Carbon Monoxide Interventions. Noelia is also a member of Tau Beta Pi, Golden Key and Chi Epsilon. She has been recently selected as a 2010-2011 LSAMP Scholar as well as a 2010-2011 Cal Poly Pomona Presidential Scholar.