Assessment and Program Review

Institutional Learning Goals

CPP’s inclusive polytechnic education prepares students for a life of learning, contributing to their communities, and personal and professional success. CPP graduates will possess knowledge and abilities reflective of the eight elements of an inclusive polytechnic education. These elements serve as learning goals for our curricular and co-curricular learning activities. Student learning outcomes across the university, including in academic programs, general education, and student affairs programming are written to align with these goals:

  • Application of Knowledge: CPP graduates will apply existing and new knowledge and skills to real-world situations, opportunities, and challenges.

  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: CPP graduates will use analytic and decision-making skills to identify and solve problems effectively.

  • Creativity, Discovery, and Innovation: CPP graduates connect theory and practice to drive creativity, discovery, and innovation.

  • Diverse and Multi-disciplinary Perspectives: CPP graduates will demonstrate awareness, understanding, and respect for diverse viewpoints—particularly those perspectives historically silenced—related to current and emerging issues across cultures and disciplines.

  • Integration of Technology: CPP graduates will appropriately utilize and adapt to new technologies.

  • Collaborative Learning: CPP graduates will demonstrate the ability to share and gain knowledge and skills as part of a team.

  • Community and Global Engagement: CPP graduates are prepared to contribute to and improve local and global communities.

  • Professional and Career Readiness: CPP graduates embody the knowledge and skills of their chosen discipline/profession.

Adopted by Academic Senate, April 13, 2022 (undergraduate) and February 14, 2024 (graduate)