
Presidential Order on Use of Foundation Services and Central Support Resources

Subject: Use of Foundation Services and Central Support Resources
Number: 7.8
Date Issued: March 16, 2009
Effective Date: March 16, 2009
Initiating Entity: President J. Michael Ortiz, Ph.D
Affected Entities: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Responsible Entity: President's Office


These economic times require that we use our limited resources in the most effective and efficient ways possible. Governor Schwarzenegger has been advocating the importance of investing in California products and services, knowing that infusing money into our economy comes back in the form of better public resources. Our campus community must be of the same mindset. By investing in ourselves, we can continue to support any number of campus operations and programs. No other organization has a greater impact on the university than the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation. It is the single largest employer of our students. The Foundation perpetually invests in the areas that advance Cal Poly Pomona, including faculty housing, development, communications and infrastructure. We must ensure that these resources continue to be made available.

In addition, Cal Poly Pomona is entrusted by the taxpayers to make the best use of its funds. We must leverage the university’s buying power in every way possible.

Protecting these collective interests requires that we initiate stronger controls. In a climate that has long enjoyed greater freedoms, this decision may initially seem difficult, but I am confident that it will provide superior opportunities for the entire campus community in the long term.

Presidential Order

Cal Poly Pomona faculty and staff will be required to use Foundation services (including the bookstore, food service, catering or campus lodging) for all state or foundation business. The Cal Poly Pomona Foundation will have the sole right to waive this agreement on a case-by-case basis, depending on the circumstances of the event. In addition, all Cal Poly Pomona faculty and staff will be required to use Graphic Communication Services (GCS) as an agent for all printing services and publications. GCS will be responsible for bidding out all projects so the university can receive the best possible quality and price point on print materials. Any deviation from these practices may result in the denial of reimbursement or funding.



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