Apiary Program (honey bees)

Donate to the Apiary Program

How to Make a Donation

When making a donation to the Apiary Program, please make sure to designate your donation by following these directions:

  1. Click the Donate button at the bottom of this page.
  2. Once in the donation form, click the Designation dropdown and select Other.
  3. In the text field that appears next to Other, type "Apiary Program".
  4. Complete the rest of the form fields and click Donate Now when completed.

The following example shows how to designate the donation for the Apiary Program.

Select other from the designation field and type in apiary program

Thank you so much for considering a Donation.

Your donation will be directed towards student experiential learning and their professional development through paid stipends for Bee Science research projects on campus and off-campus internships (farms, non-profit organizations, botanical gardens, schools, companies, and more). In addition, donations will be used for the repair of equipment and purchase of supplies and tools that enhance our apiary lab capacity for student learning.

We welcome additional ideas or questions, please contact Eileen Cullen, Ph.D., Plant Science Department Chair, emcullen@cpp.edu

Donate to Apiary Program