The Student Managed Investment Fund Program (SMIF)


Members of 2024 BAM team at competition

A Learn-By-Doing Approach to Managing Capital

CFA of OC has once again selected SMIF in the annual RFP Competition and will continue managing CFAOC's largest portfolio

3 Individual Components of the Program

2018 team preparing in classroom

Applied Portfolio Management Course (FRL 4990)

Applied Portfolio Management Course (FRL 4990) is designed to give students the theoretical and practical foundation in investment management.

The course covers assessment of global economies, historical performance and interrelationships of major asset classes, developing capital market projections, portfolio optimization, strategic asset allocation, equity and fixed income strategy development, equity screening and valuation, and portfolio performance monitoring and reporting.

Three members of 2021 SMIC e-board in CBA courtyard

Student Managed Investment Club (SMIC)

The Student Managed Investment Club (SMIC) is focused on student education and awareness. It hosts industry professionals and provides workshops based on Fundamental security analysis and portfolio theory.

SMIC's mission is to promote campus-wide financial literacy by providing the knowledge to understand the essentials of investing basics and personal finance. It also serves as potential recruiting ground for future students in the FRL 4990 course.

BAM logo

Bronco Asset Management (BAM)

Bronco Asset Management (BAM) consists of students who have completed the FRL 4990 course in a satisfactory manner and who exhibit a passion for the investment field. 

BAM operates the Cal Poly Pomona Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF).  Bronco Asset Management treats each client as a unique individual who requires a customized portfolio.

As such, each year our team creates a new portfolio that reflects current market conditions based on the global economy, capital markets, and individual industries. We are able to further support the client by regularly meeting with them to ensure there is no disconnect between their goals and our investment strategy.

Portfolio Management Philosophy

Collage of 2023 team membersBAM closely monitors both the client's goals and the portfolio's performance on a regular basis. During school term, BAM meets weekly to discuss performance and develop action plans. During the Summer holidays, BAM meets once every two weeks. At least one faculty advisor is to be present during each meeting. All decisions are based on majority vote. In addition, the Faculty advisor(s) have veto authority to disallow any proposed trades/investments if they feel it is too risky or speculative. All trades are executed by the client, at their discretion, and in their own accounts. BAM does not take ownership of the accounts.

SMIF Faculty

Professor Tomkoria in front of CBA building

Mr. Pawan Tomkoria


BAM's Faculty Advisor, Professor Pawan Tomkoria, has over 30 years of experience in the medical and electronics industries with positions in finance, executive management, and international business.

He joined CPP as an adjunct faculty professor and is currently an investment and management consultant.

Dr. Yu head shot

Dr. Wei Yu

FRL Chair & Program Sponsor

Dr. Wei Yu is the Chair and Professor of the Finance, Real Estate and Law department at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. She received her Ph.D. in Finance from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Her current teaching and research interests include finance and real estate big data analytics, mortgage lending, financial technology, and Finance and Supply Chain interface.

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