
Problem Solvers Wanted

Are you an extraordinary solver of problems and puzzles? Play CyberStart, a one-hour online game that you can play anywhere. Find out how your skills can be used in cyber careers and qualify you for further workshops and training. NO prior technical experience is required or preferred to play.

 CyberStart is sponsored by the SANS Institute and National Science Foundation (NSF) to promote cyber-related education and careers. The game was developed by the SANS Institute, which provides information security training and security certification. At CPP, the Division of Information Technology and the Department of Computer Science are co-sponsoring CyberStart@CPP events.


  1. Play CyberStart Go to discover your incredible problem-solving skills.
  2. Register for the next level of CyberStart @CPP
  • Attend the CyberStart Group Play event on Thursday, Feb. 13, noon to 1 p.m. at the Computer Science lab (Building 8, rooms 51-52). Come play CyberStart, eat pizza and meet CPP Cyber faculty and IT leaders to learn more about Cyber @CPP. Lab computers will be available, or you can bring your own device.
  • Can’t make group play? You can register for CyberStart access online at from Feb. 10 to 14. Registration is required for full game access.  REGISTRATION IS CLOSED

Everyone who registers for CyberStart @CPP will be eligible to win access to additional online SANS Cyber Essentials training to strengthen their skills. CPP CyberStart participants will also improve their qualifications for student assistant positions with cyber faculty, cybersecurity scholarships and the Division of Information Technology @CPP.

Email for questions.