Bulk Mail
Bulk Mail Services

Following these guidelines will assist you in processing your bulk mailing. If you additional questions regarding bulk mail, please call Distribution Services at ext. 3349.
All mail must have the endorsement: Return Service Requested printed on all non-profit and first class permit mail. See sample below.
- Standard class (aka Non-profit) - 200-piece minimum, up to 3 oz. Delivery time is usually 2 to 7 working days within the Southern California area.
- Pre-sorted First Class - 500-piece minimum. Delivery time is generally 1-3 days. Please call David Segal at ext. 3349 for price of 5,000 or more.
Be sure that the proper indicia are used for the type of bulk mailing you are doing.
- All items must have a Cal Poly Pomona return address
- All mail must be endorsed with Return Service Requested
- All envelopes must be sealed and of the same weight
- Mail must be in trays or tubs (tubs for flats) available from Distribution Services, call ext 3349 for delivery prior to your mailing
- Remove all international mail; it does not qualify as bulk mail.
- Place all mail in the trays facing the same direction. It is not necessary to place in zip-code order.
- Provide a Total Piece Count of your mailing. This must be accurate. It is a U.S. Postal requirement, and the entire mailing will be returned to you if there is a discrepancy.
- Folded flyers must be tabbed at the top. No staples. Fold should be at the bottom with indicia in upper right corner. Failure to comply will result in your mail being processed at full first-class postage rate.
Your bulk mailing will be picked-up along with your mail providing the above criteria have been met. A lead-time of 2 days is typically required. You may bring your bulk mailing to Distribution Services, located in the CLA building (98-B1-258). Please call ext. 3349 if you have any questions.
Indicia Label Sample