Environmental Health and Safety

Requirements for Using Off-Campus Catering Vendors

Cal Poly Pomona faculty and staff are required to use Foundation services (including the bookstore, food services, catering, and campus lodging) for all state or Foundation business.   
Read More About The Presidential Order.

The CPP Foundation has the sole right to waive this agreement on a case-by-case basis, depending on the circumstances of the event. Following is information regarding the Temporary Food Facility (TFF) Permit and insurance requirements to use an off-campus catering vendor for your campus event.

Please review the Guidelines for Temporary Food Facility Permits for Off-Campus Vendors prior to planning your event. 

Cal Poly Pomona reserves the right to inspect /spot check all products being served for appropriate temperature levels, proper storage during transportation, and handling and will refuse any and all products which are handled in a way that do not meet Local, State, and Federal Laws at the Caterer's expense. 

Off-campus caterers may provide special pre-ordered catering services on campus only with approval of the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation for an exemption from the requirement to use on-campus catering.  They may not sell or offer food for sale on campus.

Evidence of Insurance Requirements

Off campus groups or individuals hosting activities on campus or conducting business with the university must provide evidence of  General Liability insurance and, if applicable, Automobile Liability and Workers' Compensation.  The Certificate of Insurance must include the following minimum coverage limits (higher limits may be required due to the nature of the activity):

  • General Liability (Comprehensive or Commercial):  $1,000,000 each occurrence / $2,000,000 aggregate
  • Automobile Liability (Owned, Scheduled, Non-Owned, Hired):  $1,000,000 combined single limit
  • Workers' Compensation (if applicable):  evidence of coverage, as required under California State Law 

Additional Insured Endorsement

An Endorsement must accompany the Certificate of Insurance naming the State of California, Trustees of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and the officers, agents, employees and volunteers of each as Additional Insured.   

For additional information regarding acceptable coverage amounts, please contact Strategic Enterprise Risk Management at 909-869-4697.

The student group/department must collect all paperwork from the Caterer and apply for the Cal Poly Pomona Temporary Food Facility (TFF) Permit for Off-Campus Vendors. 

Application for TFF Permit for Off-Campus Catering