Women in Science and Engineering Program

Women in Science and Engineering Program

Mission Statement

The Cal Poly Pomona Women in Science and Engineering (CPP WiSE) program is dedicated to engaging all students within Cal Poly Pomona's engineering, science and agriculture colleges. CPP WiSE strives to recruit females to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by bringing awareness and exposure of STEM programs to women while retaining and graduating current students by providing a welcoming environment for them. The program provides greater participation by women through K-12 outreach activities, inspiring prospective and current students to be successful in STEM, and by continuing engagement with alumnae in STEM industries. CPP WiSE promotes a close community for all STEM students through proactive retention activities and seeks to create an environment in which women can thrive in the classroom and beyond in their careers.

Program Outcomes

  1. Engage current students through K-12 outreach activities for young women to increase awareness of and exposure to STEM programs and their great impact on society.
  2. Provide a welcoming environment for prospective students to learn about Cal Poly Pomona's engineering, science and agriculture colleges and CPP WiSE programs.
  3. Retain and graduate current female students by fostering a supportive community and enriching their experiences within Cal Poly Pomona's engineering, science and agriculture colleges.
  4. Create a supportive network of alumnae to provide mentoring to current female students and to increase career and internship opportunities for current female students.

WiSE: Designing, Developing and Creating the Future

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