Jerry L. Kirkpatrick

Jerry L. Kirkpatrick

Professor Emeritus, International Business and Marketing, College of Business Administration

Where am I now?


I'm retired. Email me to get in touch.




In Defense of Advertising (1994, reprint, Claremont, CA: TLJ Books, 2007)

Montessori, Dewey, and Capitalism (Claremont, CA: TLJ Books, 2008).

Independent Judgment and Introspection (Upland, CA: Kirkpatrick Books, 2019)

Applying Principles (Upland, CA: Kirkpatrick Books, 2021)


Papers (Selected)

  1. "On Marketing Bull----," in Brian K. Jorgensen and Richard S. Lapidus, eds., Building Bridges between Knowledge and Practice in Marketing Education(Proceedings of the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Francisco, April 2006), 75-80. (pdf, 88kb)

  2. "Teaching Acknowledgement Practice Using the Internet-Based Plagiarism Detection Service," Marketing Education Review, 16:1, spring 2006, 29-33.

  3. “Reisman’s Net Consumption, Net Investment Theory of Aggregate Profit,” The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 63:3, July 2004, 627-46. Earlier version presented April 17, 1999 at the Austrian Scholars’ Conference, Auburn, AL. (pdf, 100kb)

  4. “A Critique of ‘Is Business Bluffing Ethical?,’” presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, CA, April 21, 2002. (pdf, 160kb)

  5. “The Project Method in Marketing Education,” in William M. Pride and G. Tomas M. Hult, eds., Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, Vol. 8 (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1997), 8-12. (pdf, 152kb)

  6. “An ‘Austrian’ Refutation of the Monopoly Power Arguments Against Advertising,”in Debbie Thorne LeClair and Michael Hartline, eds., Marketing Theory and Applications, Vol. 8 (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1997), 63-70. (pdf, 208kb)

  7. Book review of Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics, by George Reisman (1996, pdf, 96kb), Capitalism Magazine, July 23, 2021. 

  8. “The Ethics of Advertising Taxation,” in Joel R. Evans, Barry Berman, and Benny Barak, eds., 1995 Research Conference on Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing, (Proceedings: Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, June 26-27, 1995), 117-122. Reprinted in Robert W. McGee, ed., Commentaries on Law & Public Policy: 1997 Yearbook (South Orange, NJ: The Dumont Institute for Public Policy Research, 1998), 298-307. (pdf, 168kb)

  9. “Objectivist Epistemology as the Foundation of Marketing Theory,” in C. Whan Park and Daniel C. Smith, eds., Marketing Theory and Applications, Vol. 5 (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1994), 118-125. (pdf, 200kb). Reprinted in Perspectives on Ayn Rand's Contributions to Economic and Business Thought (New York: Lexington Books, 2018, 223-238)

  10. The Business Plan: How to Think About It, How to Write It, published originally as an Amazon Short.

  11. “Ayn Rand’s Objectivist Ethics as the Foundation of Business Ethics,” in Robert W. McGee, ed., Business Ethics & Common Sense (Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1992), 67–88. (pdf, 292kb)

  12. "In Defense of Lecturing, or: It's Time to Cut Down on TV in the Classroom," in Jeffrey T. Doutt and Gary F. McKinnon, eds., Marketing Education: Exploring New Directions (Proceedings of the Western Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, April 1990), 80-85. (pdf, 128kb)

  13. “Ethical Theory in Marketing,” in Doug Lincoln and Jeffrey Doutt, eds. Marketing Education: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions (Proceedings of the Western Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, April 1989), 50–53. Winner, Best Paper Award. (pdf, 128kb)

  14. “Why Case Method Teaching Does Not Make Good History,” in Terence Nevett and Stanley C. Hollander, eds., Marketing in Three Eras (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, 1987), 201–214. (pdf, 180kb)

  15. “A Philosophic Defense of Advertising,” Journal of Advertising, 15:2, June 1986, 42–48 & 64. Reprinted in Roxanne Hovland and Gary B. Wilcox, eds., Advertising in Contemporary Society: Classic and Contemporary Readings on Advertising’s Role in Society (Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Business Books, 1989), 508–522. (pdf, 244kb)

  16. “Theory and History in Marketing,” in Ronald F. Bush and Shelby D. Hunt, eds., Marketing Theory: Philosophy of Science Perspectives (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1982), 47–51. Reprinted in Managerial and Decision Economics, 4:1, March 1983, 44–49. (pdf, 184kb)

    “Theory and History in Marketing: Reply,” Managerial and Decision Economics, 6:3, September 1985, 186–188. (pdf, 136kb)