Cal Poly Pomona was engaged in discussions with FivePoint as a master developer to partner in revitalizing the former Lanterman site into a thriving live, learn, work, and play community. However, FivePoint informed the university that it could no longer serve as the development partner, due to senior leadership changes within its organization.
Cal Poly Pomona informed the CSU Board of Trustees of the decision to retain and develop the Lanterman site and said the campus would issue a Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposals to engage a master developer or team of developers to partner with the campus.
The CSU sent a letter to the Department of Finance indicating that it would retain jurisdiction of the property in support of its higher educational mission.
[3] http://polycentric.cpp.edu/2017/01/university-selects-predevelopment-firm-for-lanterman-property/
[4] https://www.cpp.edu/~lanterman/documents/pages-from-july-24-2018-fin.pdf
[6] http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201320140SB944