
Statement on Use of University and Logo

Subject: Statement on Use of University and Logo 
Policy Number:   1.7
Date Adopted: 
Last Revised: May, 2002 

Policy Statement:

California Education Code Section 89005.5 provides that it is a crime, punishable as a misdemeanor, for any person, without permission, to use the name California State University (including without limitation California State Polytechnic University, Pomona or Cal Poly Pomona): (A) to designate any business, social, political, religious or other organization; (B) to imply that any product, service or organization is connected with, or is supported or opposed by, the Trustees of the California State University or Cal Poly Pomona; (C) to display, advertise or announce the name publicly at, or in connection with, any meeting or promotional activity which has as any part of its purpose the support of or opposition to any strike, lockout or boycott or of any political, religious, sociological or economic movement.

In addition, the University has property rights in its logo and other marks and advanced permission to use them must be obtained from the University President or designee prior to use.


Vice President Administrative Affairs
