The 4 Year Program

Traditionally, Army ROTC is a four-year program. The first two years of the program comprise the Basic Course, MS I and MS II. You can enroll in the program for the first two years without incurring any future military obligation (if you don't have an ROTC scholarship).

After you've successfully completed the Basic Course, you can compete to gain admission into the Advanced Course or MS III and MS IV. It's during this part of the program that you'll get to put your newfound management skills to the test.

As a Cadet in the Advanced Course, you will spend 5-weeks during the summer between your junior and senior years attending the Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC). At this course, you'll be asked to handle the complex tasks of a unit leader designed to teach you how to think quickly under pressure and how to motivate your team.  You'll teach new ROTC students what you've learned.   Now, when you graduate from college, you will have all the basic tools you need to be a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army.