Student Conduct & Integrity

Tips for Reporting Academic Dishonesty


Always.  According to Executive Order 1098, all academic dishonesty cases occurring in the classroom shall first be handled by the faculty member and then reported to Student Conduct & Integrity, as the central keeping place for all academic dishonesty cases to monitor trends and to track repeat offenders. 

  • Faculty are responsible for any academic outcomes related to academic dishonesty, and Student Conduct & Integrity is responsible for any disciplinary outcomes related to academic dishonesty.
  • Faculty are encouraged to follow the academic expectations that are outlined in their syllabus. Some common academic actions taken for academic dishonesty include:
           o   “0” on the assignment
           o   “F” for the course
           o    Reduced grade, partial credit, or other sanctions faculty deem appropriate·         
  • If faculty are unsure what academic outcome to assign, you are encouraged to consult with colleagues, your department chair, associate dean, or dean.

Reporting is easy.  Student Conduct & Integrity accepts reports via:


Student Conduct & Integrity needs the following information to investigate academic dishonesty:

  • Faculty Information: Your name, department, extension and/or phone number, CPP email address
  • Student Information:  Name of the student who engaged in academic dishonesty, their Bronco ID
  • Incident Details:  Tell us the circumstances, what happened, any witnesses and/or details, what academic outcomes you have taken, any conversation(s) you’ve had with the student about the case
  • Course Information:  Class subject, catalog number
  • Supporting Documentation: Email, drop-off, or intercampus mail any supporting documents.  Documents may include tests, essays, assignments, course syllabus, websites of plagiarized material, or any documentation that supports a case of academic dishonesty
  • Further Action Recommended: Yes or No


Faculty can recommend for disciplinary action to be taken beyond the academic outcome you assign.

  • If further action is recommended, the student is notified by email to contact Student Conduct & Integrity and schedule a meeting.  At that meeting, the Director will meet with the student to discuss the circumstances of the case and will have an educational conversation with the student.  If the student is found to be in violation of the Student Conduct Code, a disciplinary sanction will be imposed.
  • If no further action is recommended, the student will be notified that they were reported for academic dishonesty and the student’s name will be added to our academic dishonesty database.  Student Conduct & Integrity uses this information to monitor for trends and to track repeat offenders.
  • The Office of Student Conduct & Integrity takes the faculty recommendation into consideration when determining next steps, but may meet with the student regardless of the recommendation, depending on the unique circumstances of the case or the student’s prior history.


The Office of Student Conduct & Integrity is here to support faculty through the process.  If you are unsure about a case, or just want to consult, give us a call or send us an email.

ring in the classroom shall first be handled by the faculty member and then reported to Student Conduct & Integrity, as the central keeping place for all academic dishonesty cases to monitor trends and to track repeat offenders. 

  • Faculty are responsible for any academic outcomes related to academic dishonesty, and Student Conduct & Integrity is responsible for any disciplinary outcomes related to academic dishonesty.
  • Faculty are encouraged to follow the academic expectations that are outlined in their syllabus. Some common academic actions taken for academic dishonesty include:
           o   “0” on the assignment
           o   “F” for the course
           o   Reduced grade, partial credit, or other sanctions faculty deem appropriate         
  • If faculty are unsure what academic outcome to assign, you are encouraged to consult with colleagues, your department chair, associate dean, or dean.