Student Conduct & Integrity

Social Media Guidelines & Tips

Social media platforms today represent a great portion of who we are. They are how students like you stay connected to family and friends. With a lot of different online platforms, we caution you to be mindful of your usage. Here's a guide and tips for you to think about when posting and interacting on different social media accounts. Click each box below for more information.

  • When posting items online, never assume that only some of your friends, family or other specific people within your social network will have access to it. Regardless of your privacy settings, policies change, accounts are hacked, screenshot, and shared with others outside of your circle.
  • Be respectful of others’ posts, even if you don’t agree with them.
  • Be mindful when posting personal information such as your location.
  • Verify those you accept into your social network. You should be cautious about accepting any random “friends.”
  • If you prefer privacy be sure to adjust your privacy settings.
  • In general, you should avoid posting questionable or compromising photos of yourself or others.

  • Online bullying
  • Threaten to harm yourself or others
  • Threaten the campus community or damage property

*Threatening or harassing someone of the campus community or the community itself is a violation of the Student Conduct Code. Also if you witness or are a victim of a campus threat or being harassed you may contact our office and make a referral, or the University Police (909) 869-3070. For immediate danger call 911.

Providing another student with your work and them having the opportunity to use it as a academic advantage is in direct violation of the student conduct code. Please keep this in mind as both students will held accountable. Also, do not share faculty property online such as class presentations. As a University we encourage to you online “study/homework” help platforms with caution.

In today’s world the chances of you being googled at some point is very likely. With that being said, make sure your social media presence represents the best you and how you want to be reflected. That’s why it’s important to try to be equally aware of what you do include within your social media presence, just as much as what you do not want associated with you.

Treat those with whom you engage with kindness and always think before you post.

Remember, once you post something online, it’s there forever.

We also encourage students to balance there online life with their academic life. Learn balance and monitor your online time where it does not impact your study time.