Public Lecture
Nonviolence and Bioethics: Jain Approaches to the Ethical Dilemmas of Birth, Life, and Death
Location: Zoom
Event Flyer

Ana Bajželj
Ana Bajželj is Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Shrimad Rajchandra Endowed Chair in Jain Studies at the University of California, Riverside. Her research focuses on Jain philosophy, particularly metaphysics and ethics. Her first book, The Nature of Change in Jaina Philosophy, was published in 2016 by Ljubljana University Press.
Her forthcoming book, Insistent Life: Principles for Bioethics in The Jain Tradition (UC Press 2021), co-authored with Brianne Donaldson, investigates the relationship between Jainism and bioethics, exploring what foundations Jain doctrines provide for addressing bioethical issues as well as how the tradition informs the attitudes and decisions of contemporary Jain medical professionals.