California Faculty Association – Pomona Chapter

Elected Positions and Committee Descriptions

CFA Chapter leadership is made up of elected positions and committees, appointed positions and committees, and volunteer positions and committees.

Executive Board

President (Elected)

The president shall carry out the policies of the Chapter, exercise general supervision over the activities of the Chapter, preside at meetings of the Chapter and Executive Committee, serve as spokesperson for the Chapter, and certify elected Chapter representatives to the CFA Delegate Assembly

Vice-President (Elected)

The duties of the vice-president shall include assuming the duties of President at the request of or in the absence of the president, and assisting the President in performing executive duties.

Secretary (Elected)

The secretary is responsible for minutes of all meetings and maintaining chapter records.

Treasurer (Elected)

The treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all monies received and of all disbursements, prepare an annual report of finance, prepare and submit for approval an annual budget, and furnish statements at the request of the Executive Committee.

Lecturer Representative (Elected)

The lecturer representative is the elected lecturer delegate to the CFA assembly and shall represent the interests of lecturers on campus, hold lecturer meetings at least once a semester, and serve on the statewide Lecturers’ Council.

Racial and Social Justice Representative (Elected)

The Racial and Social Justice Representative shall serve as an advocate for and help build activism among members of identified disadvantaged groups, including: racial, ethnic and religious minorities; persons who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender; women; and, the disabled.



Election Committee (Elected)

The elections Committee shall supervise the election of Chapter officers and representatives to the CFA Delegate Assembly, the Elections Committee, all elected committee chairs, and supervise voting on constitutional amendments and other Chapter referenda.

Membership goals: three members

Membership Committee (Appointed by Executive Board)

The duty of the Committee is the recruitment of new members. The committee shall meet at least once per month during the academic year.

Membership goals: 1 from each college & library; 1+ lecturer; 1+retired faculty

Committee for Racial and Social Justice (Appointed by Executive Board)

The Committee for Racial and Social Justice shall monitor campus practices regarding equal employment opportunities, discrimination in the workplace, Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, and other related matters. The Committee will also advocate for members of our campus community that have been historically underrepresented including racial, ethnic and religious minorities, women, veterans, people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender, people with disabilities, people who are undocumented, and people who were formerly incarcerated.

Membership goals: 1 from each college and library

Contract Action Team (Appointed by Executive Board; Volunteer)

The Contract Action Team (CAT) mobilizes membership on campus in support of bargaining. CAT focuses on informing the chapter community of bargaining updates and deadlines, building membership, organizing events, creating resources for communicating with students, and any other activities that support successful bargaining. Leaders are appointed by the executive board, and any CFA member can participate on the committee. 

Membership goals: 1+ from each college and library; 1+ member from each area of Unit 3: counselors, coaches, lecturers, librarians, and instructional faculty