Cal Poly Pomona Philanthropic Foundation FAQs
A: The Cal Poly Pomona Philanthropic Foundation serves as the leader for the university’s fund-raising efforts. Due to California’s fiscal and political realities, public universities like Cal Poly Pomona have had to look to philanthropy to enhance educational opportunities and continue to provide a top-notch education to students.
In 2013, Cal Poly Pomona celebrated its 75th anniversary by completing its first comprehensive fund-raising campaign and raising more than $150 million. The new philanthropic foundation will build on this successful campaign, taking fund-raising to another level by expanding the pool of prospective donors and supporters and setting the stage for even greater success in the future.
A: These are the differences between the two foundations:
A: The new foundation has a board of directors who have fiduciary responsibilities and are committed to the fund-raising success and long-term fiscal health of Cal Poly Pomona. It consists of alumni and industry leaders who can help raise the university’s profile in the region, serve as ambassadors and help the university engage with prospective donors and corporate partners. The board will provide the university president with advice and counsel on institutional priorities and oversee endowment investments and investment policies. Each board member will also make their own philanthropic commitment to the university.
A: A 5 percent gift fee is assessed on all contributions. The 5 percent gift fee funds a portion of the fund-raising and campus-wide advancement programs in order to increase private philanthropy to benefit the mission of the university.
A: The foundation will post its annual report, audited financial statements, IRS 990 tax forms, IRS 501(c)(3) determination letters and giving and investment policies on this website.