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All faculty and staff in the CSU system are invited to attend PolyTeach 2020: Do the Flip!, held at the Bronco Student Center at Cal Poly Pomona on Friday, March 6, 2020. Participants are responsible for their own travel and lodging arrangements. For full information regarding getting to Cal Poly Pomona, refer to the campus map.

Getting to Cal Poly Pomona

Please note that ongoing construction of the San Bernardino Freeway (I-10) High Occupancy Vehicle Lane Project may affect the availability of freeway onramps and offramps. Please refer to The Compass for updates and detours.

From Los Angeles

Take the 10 freeway EAST to 57 Freeway SOUTH. Exit on Temple Avenue and turn north (right-hand turn) to the campus. Turn right from Temple into Parking Structure 2.

From The Inland Empire

Take the 10 freeway WEST and exit at Kellogg Drive. Follow Kellogg Drive to South Campus Drive, turn right on South Campus. Follow South Campus to Temple, turn right on Temple. Turn right from Temple into Parking Structure 2.

From Orange County

Take the 57 freeway NORTH to Temple Avenue and exit north (left-hand turn) to the campus. Turn right from Temple into Parking Structure 2.

From the Pasadena area

Take the 210 freeway EAST to 57 Freeway SOUTH. Exit on Temple Avenue and turn north (right-hand turn) to the campus. Turn right from Temple into Parking Structure 2.


For guests from other CSUs, your CSU faculty or staff parking tag will be recognized. For guests not from CSUs, we will provide parking tags; there is a place in the registration form to indicate that you will need one.

See the parking website for complete parking information and maps of parking areas. For visitors we recommend parking in Parking Structure 2 off of Temple Avenue. From there it's a short 5-10 minute walk to Bronco Student Center (just follow the PolyTeach signs), or you can hop on the Bronco Shuttle.

Lodging near Cal Poly Pomona

Please note that these are not the only hotels in the Cal Poly Pomona area. These hotels are close to campus.