About Us

Welcome to the Division of Administrative Affairs. While our division primarily focuses on the administrative support and financial management of the institution, we are united in our passion to see our students succeed. In fact, student success infuses our daily conversations and guides our policy and financial decision-making. We may not interact with students as frequently as other areas, but we consider our students at every turn.

Strategy Map
The Division of Administrative Affairs includes a diverse range of administrative and financial support functions. Given the diversity of our units, we have developed a Divisional Strategy Map.PDF to provide a cohesive vision and direction for our areas.
Mission: We facilitate institutional success through organizational transformation of administrative processes for the effective delivery of quality services.
Vision: Administrative Affairs enables student success to achieve an inclusive polytechnic vision, by providing high quality services with a focus on continuous improvement.
- Model effective campus stewardship
- Cultivate collaborative communication
- Improve operational excellence
- Enhance organizational capability