Mitchell C. Hill Center for Digital Innovation


Indira Guzman, PhD – Director of the Mitchell Hill Center for Digital Innovation

Indira R. Guzman is an Assistant Professor in the Cybersecurity track in the Computer Information Systems department and the new Director of the Mitch Hill Center for Digital Innovation. She received her Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology from Syracuse University as a Fulbright Scholar. She has over 20 years of combined industry, academic, and research experience in information systems. Her research focuses on the impact of digital technologies on organizations and the society. She has conducted research about the occupational culture of IT professionals, diversity equity and inclusion in information systems, behavioral information security, and information security policy compliance. Her work has been cited over 1,000 times, and she has mentored over 50 doctoral students. Currently she is as a research consultant for the ELLAS (Equality in Leadership for Latin American STEM) project funded by the Canadian organization IDRC Grant ID# 109798, elected 2022-2024 President of the Latin American and Caribbean Chapter of the Association of Information Systems (LACAIS), Gold Level ISACA Member, and founder faculty advisor for the Women in Tech (WIT) student club at Cal Poly Pomona.

Ron Pike, PhD (Retired) – Former Director of the Mitchell Hill Center for Digital Innovation and Director of the California Center for Cyber Risk

Dr. Ron Pike has worked with students to develop a Student-run Data Center and a Security Operations Center devoted to developing and operating a modern cloud-computing environment to serve education and research. After spending over two decades in cyber education, including the past 12 years of distinguished service to the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CIS Department within the College of Business Administration, Professor Emeritus Ron Pike is retiring as an educator. The impact he leaves behind at Cal Poly Pomona is almost immeasurable, and his legacy will continue to be felt for many years, due to the dedication, resilience, opportunities and lifelong learning approach he bestowed upon the student culture of Cal Poly Pomona. He has published research on cybersecurity and the cloud computing use as an empowering infrastructure in education. See more information at Click here