Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

CPP Inclusive Excellence Header

Through Inclusive Excellence, Cal Poly Pomona demonstrates its commitment to the urgent and ongoing work of creating and sustaining an inclusive campus climate in which all are welcomed and respected, and our diversity is valued

The role of Inclusive Excellence is to work with the campus community to ensure that the university's values of inclusivity and social responsibility are deeply embedded in every aspect of our community by continuing to dentify and dismantle systemic racism and inequities while perpetually pursuing tangible actions with meaningful results Our Commitment to Action.

College Inclusive Excellence header

CPP's Commitment to Action requires colleges to i dentify and commit to concrete actions to improve the diversity of our students, faculty, and staff; create inclusive classrooms, practices and environments; and hold the leadership accountable to those actions as part of annual performance assessments.

In response, the college's Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee was formed to develop and lead DEI initiatives at the college-level that encourage a diverse college community and create inclusive classrooms, practices, and environments.


Submission form on a cell phone

DEI Spotlight Series
Celebrating Our Diverse Community

The DEI Spotlight Series is a monthly opportunity to embrace the diverse perspectives and people that represent The Collins College community. Click on the individual photos below to learn what makes our students, faculty, staff and alumni unique and special in every way.

If you or someone you know is interested in participating in The Collins College's DEI Spotlight Series, please complete the online submission form to be featured or contact Dr. E'Lisha Fogle for more information.

DEI Spotlight Submission Form

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

Our Purpose:

The DEI Committee continues the development of The Collins College's commitment to action plan by meeting 2-3 times a semester to discuss, plan and implement strategies that align with The Collins College's mission and core values.

Our Promise:

The DEI Committee commits to strengthening and celebrating diversity amongst The Collins College community, and is dedicated to assuring the college's core values are regularly monitored and improved.

The DEI committee commits to encouraging a hospitality culture that moves beyond students having the ability to apply classroom knowledge to industry, as well as students having the ability to think critically and be solution-oriented. This is encouraged through a variety of student clubs, creation of new clubs that foster continued innovation and development of industry, speaker series and internship requirements.

The DEI committee commits to sharing the lived experiences of its community members through monthly spotlights featuring students, faculty, staff and college-level partners to celebrate the diversity of perspectives and people that represent The Collins College.

The DEI committee commits to sharing supportive knowledge and resources with Collins College faculty, students and leadership that encourages and reflects diverse representation within and beyond industry.

The DEI committee commits to encouraging the involvement of new students, faculty, and staff each year. In addition, they regularly share their, workings and findings with The Collins College community and solicit feedback for methods of improvement.

College Mission:

We educate a diverse student body for leadership in the global hospitality industry through experiential and lifelong learning, and we advance the field of hospitality management through innovation, excellence in teaching, applied research, and service to our communities.

College Core Values:

  • We Pursue Academic Excellence

  • We Inspire Student Success

  • We Embrace Diversity

  • We Partner with the Hospitality Industry

  • We Practice Collegiality and Ethics

Our Members:

  • E'Lisha V. Fogle, Ph.D.
Student Members:
  • Ruth Kent
  • Ashley Kim
Faculty/Staff Members:
  • Peter Anderson
  • Kortnee Burrell
  • Margie Jones, Ph.D.
  • Kelly Min, Ph.D

Interested in joining The Collins College DEI Committee? Contact E'Lisha Fogle at evfogle@cpp.edu.

Our Commitment to Action Plan


Improve the diversity of our students, faculty, and staff; create inclusive classrooms, practices and environments


  • Understand the student body

  • Diversify the student body

  • Create inclusive classrooms, practices and environments that align with the mission and core values of The Collins College

These objectives are student-centered and are not conclusive, as the development of new objectives will facilitate further understanding of DEI as it relates to students, faculty, and staff of The Collins College and CPP community.


Examine Identifying Demographic Data


Knowing who comprises The Collins College student body is the first step to diversifying it and creating inclusive experiences and environments. For this reason, the college continues to partner with Institutional Research, Planning & Analytics to examine identifying demographic data.


Fall semester 2022 data from Institutional Research, Planning & Analytics has been collected and shared on the college website and illustrated on the college fact sheet. This data will be collected, updated, and studied annually.

student data

Deepen & Refine Student Outreach


The Collins College's DEI Committee will seek ways to deepen and refine our student outreach efforts by partnering with internal college-level committees and resources as well as Outreach, Recruitment &  Educational Partnerships to consider:

  • Who isn’t here but could be?
  • Where can we find prospective students?
  • How can we engage and outreach to prospective students?
  • How can we grow interest in the field? Might some of our research and service projects help us create diverse student pipelines?

Define College Excellence in Teaching, Service to Communities & Hospitality Culture


As we continue to understand our student body through the directional action stated within this commitment, along with others, we will address the following questions to support the creation of inclusive classrooms, practices and environments:

  • How do Collins College students define excellence in teaching in relation to our diverse student body?
  • To what extent are Collins College students involved in conducting applied research, and does that research address the varied needs of multiple communities?
  • What services to communities does the college provide and to which communities are those services provided?
  • How is the college's culture of hospitality defined, and will applying that culture to all interactions allow student, faculty, and staff diversity (across multiple dimensions) to be deeply valued and respected?