Organizational Chart

Org Chart
  1. Interim Dean, College of Professional and Global Education

    Larissa Preiser-Houy

    1. Assistant to the Dean

      Flavia de Souza

    1. Director of Business Operations

      Teresa (Terrie) E. Taylor

      1. Student Services

        1. Student Services Officer

          Jennifer Cousens

        2. Student Services Coordinator

          Stacy Palmer

      2. Accounting

        1. Lead Budget Analyst

          Cecilia Olmos

        2. Accountant II

          Joyce Hsiung

      3. Marketing

        1. Marketing and Branding Developer

          Marisol Botello

        2. Marketing and Branding Developer

          Iliki Valencia

        3. Graphic Designer II

          Arnold Ulgado

      4. IT

        1. Programmer Analyst


    2. Associate Director of Program Development and Partnerships

      Ashley Davis

      1. Program Development

        1. Senior Program Manager

          Ashley Cartwright

        2. Coordinator IV

          Jeffrey Acevedo

        3. Instructional Program Designer/Specialist

          Thanaporn (Alice) Khongtham

    3. Director of Global Education Institute

      Lisa Xue

      1. Global Education Institute

        1. Associate Director of Global Education Institute

          Haichao (Arthur) Wang

        2. Senior Program Manager

          Yingchuan (Rick) Wang

        3. Senior Program Manager of CPELI

          Ying (Candy) Tan

        4. Program Assistant

          James Wu

    4. Associate Director of International Students and Scholars Services (ISSO)


      1. International Students and Scholars Services (ISSO)

        1. International Student Advisor

          Lisa Nguyen

        2. ISSO Advisor/SEVIS Specialist

          Junko Takada

        3. Budget Analyst

          Rhodora (Dory) Hipolito

      2. Study Abroad

        1. Exchange and Study Abroad Advisor, SSP III

          Kraig Walkup

        2. Study Abroad Coordinator

          Tian Gong