Campus and Parking Information
Class textbook information can be found in the Section Description portion of the registration page when you are registering for a class.
Offsite Classes
Students taking classes at a location other than Cal Poly Pomona will receive an email with location, parking, and other class details approximately 2-3 days before their class is scheduled to start.
Dining Options
Available dining options at Cal Poly Pomona can be located here:
College of Professional and Global Education
Parking permits are not required when parked at the CTTi facility after
Cal Poly Pomona - Main Campus
Parking permits are required at all times on our main campus. Visit the Parking and Transportation Services website for more information.
Additional campus maps can be found below:
- An interactive map of the campus that includes building numbers, parking
- A printable PDF of campus that includes parking and transit information, Bronco Express shuttle routes, and building numbers:
CEU Footer
CPGE Footer

3801 W. Temple Ave.
Bldg 220C-140
Pomona CA 91768
Phone: 909-869-2288
Email :
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM