Mechanical Engineering

Resources and Forms for Undergraduate Students

University and department forms

Office of Registrar Forms

The CPP Registrar's Office website contains forms related to registration and records. Frequently used forms include Change of Major or Option form, Course Substitution form, and Leave of Absence form for undergraduate students.
Access Office of Registrar:


Forms related to petitions can be found on the CPP Registrar's Office website or Office of Student Success website.

Access Office of Registrar:

Access Office of Student Success:

Technical Electives

If a ME student is taking technical elective courses within the list shown in the curriculum sheet (including ME 4990), no form submission is required. If a ME student would like to take a technical elective course outside the list, the student is required to submit a general petition form for approval. To initiate a general petition e-form, please contact your academic advisor to begin the process.

Senior Project

The projects for the senior project are posted on Canvas by advisors. All students who are looking for senior project shall contact the advisors directly.

Access ME department on Canvas:

Request for Waiver of Prerequisites

The department typically does not approve requests for waivers of course prerequisites. However, we may allow the waiver of certain course prerequisites due to an approved curriculum change for a specific year. Please use the request for waiver of prerequisites form for petitioning a waiver.

Resources on Canvas

Current students can access many departmental resources by logging into the ME Department's Canvas website:

The website contains a list of faculty office hours, faculty advisors, access to software for coursework, senior project information, internship opportunities, and more.