Maximizing Engineering Potential

Peer Mentoring


The MEP Peer Mentor program was designed to provide additional support from upperclassmen to the incoming freshmen cohort. The Program also allows for continuity between cohorts, dissemination of information, and implementation of changes or improvements within the community. Mentors serve in a volunteer capacity, mentoring one to four students year-round.

Program Outcomes

  • Provide a role model for positive and productive relationships to freshmen through upper-class mentors
  • Create a consistent source of assistance for students during a time of transition and change
  • Provide freshmen with a knowledgeable point of contact regarding campus resources and peer-level academic advice.
  • To create an avenue whereby mentors and mentees can remain connected to the MEP community and feel a sense of belonging and/or contribution to the community
  • To provide opportunities for mentors to experiment with leadership styles, interpersonal skills, and communication skills

Mentor/Mentee Learning Outcomes

As a result of the mentor/mentee relationship over the span of one year, mentors and mentees will learn skills in the following areas:

  • Effective Communication
  • Leadership Development
  • Meaningful Interpersonal Relationships
  • Collaboration
  • Social Responsibility
  • Realistic Self-Appraisal

Mentor Resources

The Cal Poly Pomona Advising site is a great resource for all students, and can help peer mentors learn more about a program or service before referring their mentees.

In addition, the following links are recommended articles for mentors from the website: