Maximizing Engineering Potential

Technology Assisted Supplemental Instruction

Maximizing Engineering Potential (MEP) offers supplemental instruction (SI) for select courses.

What is SI?

SI is a non-traditional form of academic support that focuses on collaboration, group study and peer-to-peer interaction. Through 50-minute sessions, SI student facilitators offer course-specific learning and study strategies to help students successfully negotiate the course.  SI student facilitators review specific concepts and topics taught by faculty that week.

  • Classes Supported:  Various. please see below chart
  • SI Session Times: U-Hour (Tues./Thurs., 12:00pm – 12:50pm) plus a third non-U-Hour session.
  • Location: SI is offered In-Person and via Zoom. See schedule for availability.

How to Make a SI Appointment

  • Visit the current semester SI schedule.
  • Once you've decided on the appointment, click "Make Appt."
  • Use CPP Connect to book your appointment.
  • When you arrive at your appointment, go to CPP Connect to check in.


Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an MEP-led program that serves all students in the College of Engineering. SI targets those classes (primarily upper division level) that have been identified through historical data as having a low-completion rate. Due to low-completion rates, it creates a bottleneck for students who need those classes in order to move through the course sequence or to graduate.

These bottleneck courses tend to create a constant source of frustration among students who are unable to persist in order to graduate on a timely basis. Time-to-degree is important; and few interventions are able to be implemented on a large scale. As an innovative approach to address the issue the “scaling up” challenge, the MEP Director, in collaboration with the late-chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Department, developed the “Technology-Assisted Supplemental Instruction” (TASI) program. This approach uses technology to be able to offer SI to all sections of selected high-DUF courses.