George R. Proctor

George R. Proctor

Professor, Department of Architecture, College of Environmental Design


ARC 201L Architectural Design Lab
ARC 299 Spec Topics LD Students
ARC 301L Architectural Design Lab
ARC 402 Topics in Architectural Design
ARC 402L Topics in Arch. Design Lab
ARC 406 Architectural Design
ARC 406L Architectural Design Lab
ARC 419 Urbanism and Film
ARC 450 Digital Dsgn Med for Architect
ARC 452 Adv Digital Modeling Desgn
ARC 454 Interactive Media for Archit.
ARC 456 Animation/Simulation DesignMth
ARC 491 Bachelor's Project Research
ARC 499 Spec Topics UD Students
ARC 504 Architectural Design
ARC 504L Architectural Design Lab
ARC 506 Architectural Design
ARC 506L Architectural Design Lab
ARC 591 Directed Study
ARC 592 Directed Study
ARC 601L Adv Architectural Design Lab
ARC 602 Advanced Architectural Design
ARC 602L Adv Architectural Design Lab
ARC 694 Thesis / Project Programming
ARC 695 Master's Degree Project
ARC 3021L Third Year Design 2 Laboratory
ARC 4190 Urbanism and Film
ARC 4402A Design Development Activity
ARC 4750 Teaching Practicum
ARC 4990 Spec Topic for UD Students
ARC 6011L Adv Architectural Dsgn 1 Lab
ARC 6940 Master's Thesis/Project Rsrch
ARC 6951L Master's Degree Project Lab
ARC 6952 Mstr Degree Mtrl Strctr Intgtn
ARC 6990 Master's Degree Continuation