Homeyra Sadaghiani

Homeyra Sadaghiani

Professor, Physics & Astronomy, College of Science


Dr. Homeyra Sadaghiani is a Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at California State Polytechnic University Pomona (CPP). She has been vigorously engaged in research related to teaching and learning physics and is an active member of the Physics Education Research (PER) community (local, national /international) since 2002.  At CPP, she works at the forefront of the department's curricular reform (design, implementation, assessment, and dissemination) both at the introductory and advanced-level courses. She has also significantly contributed to the ongoing college and university efforts in improving student success, particularly in bottleneck physics courses. She has designed and led the dissemination of several proven-effective strategies through professional development seminars and workshops to physics and STEM faculty. In 2013, Dr. Sadaghiani led the California State University (CSU) system-wide faculty development workshops for the dissemination of her redesigned Flipped courses (http://courseredesign.csuprojects.org/wp/physics-eacademy-summary/). Dr. Sadaghiani has also made extensive contributions to creating new elective recitation enrichment courses to enhance success in physics freshman service courses. Dr. Sadaghiani has developed several qualitative and quantitative assessments, including the design and validation of a nationally known Quantum Mechanics Concept Assessment (QMCA) tool; has served in the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) exam committee, a large-scale mathematics placement test used at California State University system with 23 campuses.