The Learning Resource Center
Our Mission
The Learning Resource Center’s mission is to promote student success by providing programs and services that advance students’ critical thinking, problem solving, and analytical skills.
About Us
Located on the second floor of the University Library (Building 15) in Rooms 2919 and 2921, the LRC is the University’s most comprehensive tutoring service, promoting the development of students’ critical thinking, problem solving, and analytical skills through Academic Skills Coaching, Subject Tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, and the Writing Center. The LRC is one of the programs within Academic Support & Learning Services under the Office of Student Success, Equity, and Innovation and is certified through the College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA).
Our Services
Tutoring services are offered both in-person and online. Email for general questions. Visit CPP Connect, email, or call (909)869-3502 to make an appointment. Drop-ins are welcome.

Subject Tutoring
- Individual and group tutoring (appointment and drop-in)
- Online synchronous tutoring via Zoom
- List of courses supported
- LRC Happy Hour
- LRC Speak Easy
- Course-specific workshops
- Test preparation (ALEKS PPL and quantitative portions of graduate entrance exams)

Writing Center
- Individual and group tutoring (appointment and drop-in)
- Online synchronous tutoring via Zoom
- Online asynchronous tutoring via Canvas: submission instructions (PDF)
- Writing tutoring in all CPP courses
- Writing tutoring for applications, resumes, and personal statements
- Test preparation for writing portions of graduate entrance exams
- Grammar and writing workshops

Academic Skills
- Individual tutoring (appointment only)
- Peer coaching for academic success
- Learning strategies: study skills, note-taking, and time-management
- Academic skills workshops
- Interactive on-demand videos: StudentLingo

- Course Concept Reviews
- Academic Skills Workshops
- Student Lingo
- Writing and Grammar

Faculty Requests
- The Learning Resource Center can provide content and exam review workshops, academic and study skills workshops, as well as Embedded Tutoring, to provide further support to your students.
- Please click on the Faculty Request link to request the LRC's services.

Test Proctoring
- Available to Cal Poly Pomona students who need to make up an exam due to serious and compelling reasons.
- Faculty must submit a Faculty Request Form (located on Testing Services website).
- Test proctoring available to incoming freshman for ALEKS PPL Assessment.
- See Testing Services website for more information.