Student Success Fee

History of the Student Success Fee

The Student Success Fee was recommended to the CSU Chancellor’s Office for approval at the conclusion of an extensive consultation process with students from Oct. 16 through Nov. 2, 2012. In total, 40 presentations were made to a wide array of students groups, including four open forums that all students were invited to attend. 1,385 students participated in the consultation process by attending a student-led presentation and completing a questionnaire that included whether they were in support of the new fee.

Results of the submitted questionnaires indicated that 71.2 percent of students who participated were in support of the Student Success Fee. The student-led Fee Advisory Committee voted unanimously to recommend the fee. From there the California State University Chancellor’s Office gave final approval to the proposed Student Success Fee for Cal Poly Pomona, which went into effect Fall Quarter 2013.

Fee Implementation Schedule

Note: The Student Success Fee is not assessed in Summer if summer courses are administered through the College of the Extended University.

  • Beginning Summer Quarter 2013, the SSF Student Success Fee was implemented at a rate of $74.00/quarter
    • Summer Quarter 2014 adjusted to $102.00/quarter, plus annual inflationary rate adjustment by using the Higher Education Price Index
    • Summer Quarter 2015 adjusted to $129.00/quarter, plus the annual inflationary rate adjustment by using the Higher Education Price Index
    • Summer Quarter 2016 adjusted to $138.25/quarter, plus the annual inflationary rate adjustment by using the Higher Education Price Index
  • Beginning Summer Quarter 2017 and subsequent years, the Student Success Fee is adjusted based on the annual inflationary rate adjustment by using the Higher Education Price Index.

Annual Reports (By Fiscal Year)