Student Success Fee


Committee Oversight

The University President will annually form and charge the Student Success Fee Oversight Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will be made up of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, Chief Information Officer (or their respective designees), as well as three students appointed by Associated Students, Inc, and three members of the faculty, appointed by the Academic Senate.

Click to view a PDF explaining the committee charge and components, as well as procedures of oversight and control.

Committee Members

Dr. Terri Gomez, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Christina Gonzales, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

John McGuthry, Vice President for Information Technology and CIO

Dr. Yongping Zhang, Faculty, Civil Engineering

Dr. Nicole Wagner, Faculty, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Dr. Sungsik Yoon, Faculty, Collins College of Hospitality Management

Vacant, ASI Representative

Vacant, ASI Representative

Vacant, ASI Representative

Administration Support

Kaitlyn Sedzmak - Chief of Staff, Division of Student Affairs

Lisa Rotunni - Executive Director of Academic Resources