AGRIscapes at Cal Poly Pomona

UPDATE: New dates added for Spring Field Trips!

Agriscapes Cal Poly Pomona Discovery Farm Huntley College of Agriculture

AGRIscapes Discovery Farm

Visting AGRIscapes/ADA Accommodations

This is a working farm, closed shoes and sun/windscreen are highly recommended.  Visitors may come in contact with dirt walkways, and uneven terrain.

To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Advance notice is recommended to arrange for some accessibility needs. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in an effective and timely manner.


Stay in Touch!

The 2024 Pumpkin Fest was a hit. Thank you for a great season! We hope you will return next year. The best way to keep up with the latest info and future events is to join our mailing list and follow us on Facebook.