Fraternity and Sorority Life

Active Chatpers
InterFraternity Council
Multicultural Greek Council
National Panhellenic Conference
National Pan-Hellenic Council
Principles of Success
Philanthropy and Service
One of the most gratifying aspects of the Fraternity & Sorority experience is the sense of pride that comes with involvement in philanthropic activities. These activities create a sense of contribution and satisfaction that ultimately foster unity among all members. As a community, each year members raise thousands of dollars for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in support of finding cures for children with cancer. In addition, each fraternity and sorority hosts their own philanthropy according to founding principles associated with the organization. When you visit with the chapter members during the recruitment process, be sure to ask about their philanthropy programs. Service is one of the founding principles of all fraternities and sororities. No matter what your service interests may be, you will find opportunities to participate in both "hands-on" service and fundraising as part of the Cal Poly Pomona fraternity and sorority community.
Academic Excellence
Academic excellence is a prerequisite to becoming a member of the fraternity and sorority community. Chapters and councils provide assistance and support through various scholastic programs that encourage members to reach their academic potential. We focus on academics through various leadership and scholarship opportunities with the Order of Omega National Honor Society as a notable honor for the highest academic performing members of the community.
Fraternities and sororities are self-governing organizations that provide a wealth of leadership opportunities for their members. Fraternity and sorority members are some of the most active and visible student leaders on campus. You will see members participating as Social Justice Leaders, Orientation leaders, Diversity Ambassadors, Student Government, University Housing, Campus Recreation - Intramurals, and various Honor Societies, to name a few.
College is a place where lasting friendships are built. Fraternity & Sorority Life is a place where brotherhood/sisterhood is built. This special bond focuses on individuality and appreciation of differences, not conformity. Your brothers and sisters will cheer you on when you’re successful and will support you through difficult times. Membership in a Greek Letter Organization will provide you with lifelong bonds that continue beyond your years at Cal Poly Pomona. We build community through a variety of events included conferences, town halls, brotherhood/sisterhood events and Greek Week.