Meet the Project Team
CPP INVESTS is led by a diverse team of faculty and staff. The team, along with the advisory board, is constituted with institutional capacity building and sustainability as a priority. Team members have the necessary disciplinary expertise and responsibilities within CPP to ensure that best-practices developed by CPP INVESTS can be institutionalized.
Project Team
Dr. Olukemi Sawyerr
Principal Investigator
- AVP Office of Academic Innovation
- Professor, Management and Human Resources Department, College of Business Administration
Dr. Alison Baski
Co-Principal Investigator
- Dean College of Science
- Interim Dean College of Engineering
Dr. Winny Dong
Co-Principal Investigator, CUREs
- Director, Office of Undergraduate Research Director, Learn Through Discovery Initiative
- Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering
Dr. Claudia Garcia-Des Lauriers
Co-Principal Investigator, Faculty Professional Development
- Director, Kellogg Honors College
- Associate Professor, Geography and Anthropology Department, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
Dr. Nina Abramzon
Co-Principal Investigator, First Year Experiences
- Professor and Associate Chair, Physics Department, College of Science
Dr. Dora Lee
Senior Personnel, First Year Experiences
- Director, Academic Support and Learning Services, Office of Student Success, Equity, and Innovation
Dr. Ever Barraza
Senior Personnel, Project Learning Assistant
- Student Services Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Research
Dr. Victoria Bhavsar
Senior Personnel, Faculty Professional Development
- Director, Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence
Dr. Preeti Wadhwa
Senior Personnel, Research and Evaluation
- Associate Professor, Management and Human Resources Department, College of Business Administration
Ericka Olguin
Senior Personnel, Micro-Internship
- Director, Innovation Incubator
Jesus Bermudez
CPP INVESTS, Micro-Internship
- Program Manager, Micro-Internship
Debbie Tanaka
CPP INVESTS, Micro-Internship
- Micro-internships Program Coordinator
Priyatham Sai Chand Bazaru
CPP INVESTS, Alternative Learning Records
- Digital Credentials Specialists
Won Choi
CPP INVESTS Data Analytics, Research and Evaluation
- Academic Coordinator, Kellogg Honors College
Dr. Janel Ortiz
- Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences Department
Dr. Amy Dao
- Assistant Professor • Geography & Anthropology Department
Courtney Koletar
Program Evaluator, Evaluation
- Cobblestone Evaluation, Inc.
Mai Tran
Program Manager
Judy Nguyen
Project Coordinator
- NSF I-Corps
Timothy Tsang
CPP INVESTS, Student Assistant
- Bachelor of Engineering
Advisory Board
Ms. Christina Gonzales
- VP Student Affairs
Dr. Terri Gomez
- Associate Provost, Office of Student Success, Equity, and Innovation
Dr. Paul Beardsley
- Director, Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (CEMaST)
- NSF CPP PASSION Grant, Principal Investigator
- Professor, Biological Sciences Department
Dr. Craig LaMunyon
- AVP Office of Research, Innovation and Economic Development
Dr. Teshia Roby
- AVP Learning and Research Technologies