Cal Poly Pomona Student Research Conference


RSCA Horse Gradient

12th Annual Student Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference

On March 2, 2024, over 200 student projects were showcased at the 12th Annual Student Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Conference at Cal Poly Pomona. Congratulations to all RSCA Conference Student Presenters!

We would also like to acknowledge the faculty mentors, judges, moderators, and students who volunteered this day to make the event a success. The award announcements for the RSCA Conference are provided below. 

RSCA Conference Exemplary Oral Presentations

Congratulations to the ten student projects that were recognized as exemplary by a panel of judges in their sessions. Each exemplary project will receive a $100 cash award and be nominated to represent Cal Poly Pomona at the 38th Annual California State University Systemwide Student Research Competition to be hosted by Cal Poly San Luis Obispo on April 26 & 27, 2024. 

Session OC1: Weglyn Social Justice

Title: The Green Mile: Wildlife Richness, Greenspace and Access in San Gabriel Valley, California 

Author: Adrianna Elihu
Faculty Mentor: Janel Ortiz


Session OC1: Weglyn Social Justice

Title: Understanding Recreational Park Users Perception of Water Quality in the Santa Ana River

Author: Anna Marie Contreras
Faculty Mentor:  Kristen Conway-Gomez

Session OC2: Interdisciplinary

Title: Anglicization: Undercurrents of Name Change Practices

Author: M. Luna
Faculty Mentor: Olga Griswold

Session OC3: Biological Sciences and Agriculture

Title: The Utilization of Bacteriophage to Prevent Escherichia coli Contamination on Microgreens

Author: Zhe Zhang
Faculty Mentor:  Xu Yang

Session OC4: Engineering and Computer Science

Title: Astro-TSP: Traveling Salesman Problem-Based Solutions for Scheduling Astronomical Observations

Authors: George Matta, Dani Ekbote, Alan Mong
Faculty Mentor: John Korah


Session OC4: Engineering and Computer Science

Title: Battery As iNtegrated Structure High Endurance Experimental UAV, Robotics

Authors: Maggie Hoang, Alexander Ov, Winson Zhu
Faculty Mentor: Jenny Zhen Yu

Session OC5: Physical Science

Title: Kinetic study of Ligand Effects in Dioxomolybdenum Catalyzed Deoxydehydration

Author:  Jonathan Wagner, Binh Nguyen 
Faculty Mentor: Alex John

Session OC5: Physical Science

Title: Deoxydehydration Catalyzed by Electronically Modulated Vanadium Complexes

Author: Isha Kallingal
Faculty Mentor:  Alex John

Session OC6: Physical Sciences

Title: Reactivity of nickel and manganese complexes with a captured CO2 source

Author: Aaron Gaynes
Faculty Mentor: Chantal Stieber

Session OC6: Physical Sciences

Title: The Milky Way Project: MOBStIRS (Mass-loss rates for OB Stars driving IR bow Shocks)

Author: Angelica Whisnant
Faculty Mentor: Matthew Povich