Kellogg Honors College

About the KHC

About the KHC

The Kellogg Honors College (KHC) continues its mission of inclusive excellence by cultivating the talents of our students, providing enriching and innovative academic experiences, and building a nurturing community of scholars. We provide our students with significant PolyX opportunities such as Community Engagement (CE) events, student research, internship opportunities, honors courses, and many more high-impact practices that lead to excellent outcomes and student success. KHC strives to support our community of students and nurture them as they make progress towards completing their chosen degree programs and transition to their careers of choice.


The Kellogg Honors College (KHC) cultivates students’ many forms of talent within an inclusive, nurturing, and academically enriching community preparing them to be civically engaged, intellectually curious, lifelong learners.


The Kellogg Honors College (KHC) promotes inclusive academic excellence by fostering a community where personal growth and a sense of belonging are paired with deep learning, innovation, career readiness, leadership, and civic engagement to prepare resilient, visionary global citizens.  

A Word from the Director

"At the Kellogg Honors College, we welcome all students to our community.  We strive to embody inclusive academic excellence by offering high quality courses, civic engagement, student research opportunities, and mentorship.”
– Dr. Claudia García-Des Lauriers