Honor List
Effective March 11, 2019:
Dean’s Honor List
The Dean’s List, announced at the end of each semester, honors undergraduate students who have completed at the University 12 or more letter grade units during the semester with a 3.5 or better grade point average for Cal Poly coursework. Students taking preparatory coursework must obtain C (2.0) letter grades or better in their preparatory courses and make satisfactory progress toward completion of remediation requirements to remain on the Dean’s List.
Each student on the Dean’s List should be celebrated by the University with a minimum of a letter from the appropriate Dean and any further honors the College wishes to bestow.
President’s Honor List
The President’s Honor List, announced at the end of the spring semester, honors undergraduate students who have a grade point average of 3.5 or better for completion at the University of 12 or more units during any two semesters of a university year.
Graduating seniors may still achieve either the Dean's or President's Honor's list who have a grade point average of 3.5 or better for completion at the University (Cal Poly Pomona) of 12 or more units during one semester, but the final semester may be 9 units if this is all that is required for graduation.