Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development

Institutional Information for Proposals

Institutional Information

Anastasia Rutherford, Director, ORSPJared Ceja, CPP Foundation CEO
Institutional infomration required for grants and contracts, such as congressional district, unique identifier, DUNS code, and more.
Applicant Legal Name Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Inc.
Applicant Institution Type
  • Nonprofit with 501c3 status (other than Institution of Higher Education)
  • Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)
  • Asian American, Native American, Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI)
Applicant Address 3801 W. Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768-2557
Authorized Organizational Representatives (AOR)

Anastasia Rutherford, Director, ORSP

Jared Ceja, CEO, CPP Foundation

Animal Welfare Assurance # A3344-01 (through 12/31/2023)
Congressional District CA-039
Cage Code 2F321
DUNS # 028929438
NAICS Code 71110
SAM registration Active through 5/14/2025
Federal Tax Entity Identification # (EIN) 95-2417645
Human Subjects Assurance Number (FWA or Federalwide Assurance)

FWA00001759 (through 07/22/2026)

Office of Postsecondary Education ID number (OPEID)


Please visit Tableau for a set of dashboards with institutional data.


Visit the list of Deans and Department Chairs

Salary and Fringe Benefits

Academic Year Assigned Time
  • At actual salary rate, not replacement rate
  • Fringe benefits are at the faculty member's actual rate
  • Please have a conversation with your department chair about teaching responsibilities
Academic Year Overload
  • At actual salary rate (not to be considered overtime)
  • Work in addition to full-time assignment for faculty duties.
  • May not exceed 125% total workload
  • Fringe benefits are at 13%
  • Please get permission for overload from your Dean and Chair
Off-Contract Salary (Summer and Winter)
  • At actual salary rate
  • Fringe benefits are at 13%

  • Full time (all cumulative employment >960 hours per year): 50%
  • Part time (all cumulative employment ≤960 hours per year): 13%
  • Stateside Staff employed through Foundation: 13%


2024 Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Inc. 
Minimum wage:
  • Effective Dec. 22, 2024: $16.50 per hour
Maximum student hours:
  • Students must work no more than 1,000 hours per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).  Within this limit, the following apply:
    • During the academic year, students may work no more than 20 hours per week.
    • During the summer, students may work up to 40 hours per week.
Fringe for students
  • Academic Year: 8%
  • Summer: 13%

Foundation Travel Information

  • Breakfast: $17
  • Lunch: $18
  • Dinner: $34
  • Incidentals: $5
Total: $74 per day

$0.67 per mile

Indirect Cost Rates (aka F&A rates): Negotiated with DHHS *

Organized Research means all research and development activities that are sponsored by federal and non-federal agencies and organizations. Research seeks fuller knowledge of a subject and involves investigation aimed at the discovery of new facts or revision of accepted theories. Research projects may include laboratory work, testing and evaluation, questionnaires, pre- and post-tests, and statistical analysis.  This category also includes activities involving the training of individuals in research techniques where such activities utilize the same facilities as other research and development activities and where such activities are not included in the instruction function. 

Sponsored Instruction means the teaching and training activities of an institution established by grant, contract, or cooperative agreement. These activities may be offered for credits toward a degree or certificate or on a non-credit basis, and may be offered through regular academic departments or through separate divisions, such as summer school or extension. (Research training is not included; it is included under Research above.)

Instruction is used when the primary purpose of the project involves training, curriculum development, instruction, demonstration, or efforts to improve pedagogical methods. Instructional projects may include some elements of research, particularly if new techniques of instruction or curriculum content are being developed.

Other Sponsored Activities are programs and projects sponsored by federal and non-federal agencies which involve the performance of work other than instruction and organized research. Examples include health service projects, community service programs, non-credit community education, and conferences.

This rate is for projects sponsored by an approved California state agency through the California State Indirect Cost Rate Compact.  If a state agency is not an "approved" agency, our 47% negotiated rate applies.  If a state agency requires a lower rate, an exception must be approved by the Chancellor’s Office.  Please note that city and county agencies are not part of the compact and thus do not qualify for the 35% rate.

Off-campus rates apply to all activities performed in facilities not owned by the institution and to which rent is directly allocated to the project(s).  Actual costs will be apportioned between on-campus and off-campus components.  Each portion will bear the appropriate rate.

If a sponsoring agency has a published rate that is lower than our federally negotiated rate, we must accept that rate.  The rate must be published on the funding announcement.

* Department of Health and Human Services